vrijdag 25 december 2015

Ipad Pro, Apple Pencil and ProCreate try out

Ipad Pro, Apple Pencil, painting with Ipad Pro, painting with ProCreate, ProCreate, sketching with Ipad Pro,First trial Ipad Pro

My First impression of painting with ProCreate, Apple Pencil and Ipad Pro was quite a nice one. It is surprisingly "pro" and feels almost like drawing with charcoal as far as it concerned sketching.

Everything you draw or paint is saved as a video clip. Althouh it can not stand up to the qualities of Photoshop, I can reccomend it for your sketches,  doodles and speedpaints.

Some things to mention:
  • The color picker is slow compared to the Alt keyboardshortcut 
  • No possibility to group your layers
  • I miss my Photoshop brush 63 and 23 because of their "square edge"
  • Being used to work with keyboard shortcuts I think sliders and menu's are somewhat distracting
  • Why on earth would you want to hang on a couch and make an artwork? Ipad Pro, Pro Create and Apple pencil may give me the answer.

Ariane Berends-Brouwer